Where are the posts?! The holidays got me too good, and here we are a month and a half out since my last post. Over the break I've been working out ways of changing things up a bit. I've decided to change the format of Weekly Favorites and Music Mondays. Weekly sets of 5-7 songs and 5-7 favorites things was a lot of stuff. The further I got into the posts I realized this may not be something that could be kept up for much longer. Here's what gonna happen, Monthly Favorites and Monthly Playlists. For the Favorites it could be anywhere from 5-10 things and the Playlists will be 10 or more songs. Spacing these posts out allow me to bring slightly less quantity overall but with better quality content, while still keeping a steady pace requiring a lot less time spent in four posts compared to one per category a month. These new monthly posts are going to be starting back up in early February. Be on the lookout.

Also, since I'll be cutting out multiple posts that allows me to throw in some more creative posts to mix things up a bit. I have some ideas that I think could be fun, but I'm open to other stuff too so if you have any ideas send them my way. Thanks for taking to time to read this. You're the best. 


February Music Roundup

February Music Roundup

The Homebody

The Homebody