Music Monday - 10.23.17

Music Monday - 10.23.17

David Archuleta Album Cover

Upset With Me - David Archuleta - Postcards in the Sky

Remember that Mormon kid from American Idol who sang Imagine by John Lennon? Well, he's back. I loved him way back then, and still do. He just has such a pleasant voice and a kind demeanor. He seems like one of those people it's impossible to dislike. I haven't had a chance to really dig into all the songs on this album yet, but this song really stood out to me. It's very simple, but so good. There are some really nice moments vocally, around the 3min mark with a little walk up with a nice little riff down. It's nothing too difficult but so tasteful and well placed. In my opinion finding the right placement for special moments is the most important part of anything trick or riff. If you enjoy David's sound, check out Up All Night, it's my other fav on the album so far.

Hearts & Color Album Cover

For The Love - Hearts & Colors - For The Love

I came across this Swedish duo's music a couple weeks ago and have been listening almost daily since. I am a sucker for people singing the melody in different octaves, the simple high and low mesh is so appealing to me. The mellow verses feel so cool before jumping into the punchy high energy chorus/hook. The build up before the music kicks in during the "For the love" part is just so much fun. I am a fan. 

Bear's Den Album Cover

Gabriel - Bear's Den - Red Earth & Pouring Rain

This song has atmosphere for days. Seriously, hit play and it's immediate. I thoroughly enjoy the random banjo stuff with the electric guitar for some reason it all comes together really well. The ending when the cut the music and just sing it out is gold. Also, for the record, this one is best when listened to on a cloudy, rainy day it just fits the vibe.

The Kooks Album Cover

Naive - The Kooks - Inside In / Inside Out

Naive, in my mind, is a classic. I used to listen to this song ALL THE TIME. You know how some songs just take you back to a time in your life? This song does that for me, takes me straight back to the days of my first iPod that I wore out. I still have it, all my old gems still on there along with that classic brick breaker game. The song was pretty popular so I won't go into detail about it, but if you haven't heard it go on and give it a listen.

Whitaker Album Cover

When My Love Won't Stick To You - Whitaker - I Am An Animal

Man, I love this song. It starts off slow but then builds to this huge chorus. The chorus doesn't hit until around 1:10, but when it does, holy moly good stuff.  I love a good belting chorus and this song does not disappoint.

Fourteen. Crazy. Still going strong. If you're reading this, I love you. Thanks for taking the time out to read my ramblings. Until next time.

Weekly Favorites - 10.28.17

Weekly Favorites - 10.28.17

Weekly Favorites - 10.21.17

Weekly Favorites - 10.21.17