Weekly Favorites - 11.4.17

Weekly Favorites - 11.4.17

Writing this from a hotel room, on my iPad. Took the pictures with my iPhone in this terrible yellow light. You also can’t post pictures on gallery form on an iPad so I’ll try and disperse them in a manageable way. Oh well, consistency is key, so here is a fresh Weekly Favorites.


Amazon Kindle Paperwhite - eReader - $120

I bought my kindle earlier this year in a effort to slow down my accumulation of things. I still love and buy physical books at times, but I try and only buy ones that I know I will really love or read/reference frequently. The Kindle has been one of my favorite purchases this year. Before you ask, I have the large iPad Pro so reading on it for any extended period of time can be uncomfortable. The Kindle is so small and light while having just the right size screen to read. It also has an adjustable backlight and plenty of storage for books. One of my favorite parts about it though is the ridiculous battery life. I’m out of town for over a week and left my charger at home because i know it will last more than long enough. It’s the perfect little travel companion.

Essentialism - Greg McKeown - Book 

Using one picture for two favorites, gotta get creative with limited resources. Anyway, I finished this book recently and really loved it.  It’s time manangement meets minimalism. In the past I’ve had a hard time saying “no” to people and overextending myself to the point of making myself physically ill at times. This book tackles issues like that, as well as finding what’s important to you and focusing on that, which can lead to better work. While I don’t have any trouble saying “no” to people now, Haha, this book did bring up some good points and it’s definitely worth a read.


Card Pocket - Bellroy - $60

While traveling a good wallet is a must, if you’re anything like me you want something compact like this Card Pocket by Bellroy.  I’ve been eyeing it for awhile now and finally took the leap and purchased it a couple weeks ago. It came just in time for my trip. The leather is so nice and smells great. The zipper is smooth which may sound ridiculous but it’s a big deal to me, I hate it when a zipper catches all the times. 


The zipper when open wraps around the corner just a little more that your average zip wallet, this little extra touch makes accessing your cards and cash much easier. It’s small touches like this that really make the wallet stand out to me. I also really like their signature little owl, but that’s probably just me. 


The inside of the Card Pocket has two side pouches one low for trifolded bills, ones higher for coins and the main center area is left for cards. The wallet holds 4-15+ cards, depending on cash and coins.  there is also a small slot for a SIM card if you’re in need of that. I really can’t say enough about how much I’m loving this wallet right now, but I think you get the idea. Bellroy has a great 3 year warranty as well so you can’t really go wrong. If you’re in the market for a wallet, give Bellroy a look!


Helsing’s Fire - Game - iOS  - $.99

Helsing’s Fire came out years ago, around 2010 I believe. I took this screenshot just now, they updated it SEVEN MINUTES AGO. Most of my old iPhone games tend to fall to the side over time as updates happen and the developers just don’t keep up, but not these guys. Helsing’s Fire is still going strong. It’s such a fun and unique game. The game revolves around a shadow and light mechanic, you have to shine the light on the bad guys to beat them. Hard to explain but in practice it’s challenging and fun. Definitely a game worth picking up for when you have down time during a trip. Plus it’s only a dollar so there’s really no excuse to pass this one up.


Thanks for reading another Weekly Favorites and sticking with me through my iPhone/iPad typing which I’m sure is full of mistakes. Until next time.

Music Monday - 11.6.17

Music Monday - 11.6.17

Music Monday - 10.30.17

Music Monday - 10.30.17